+ Credits
Year: 2020
Client: Sparebank 1
Production: Parabel
Audio: Syncpoint
Sparebank 1
TV-aksjonen is a yearly nationwide charity campaign.
Ocean plastic pollution is a fast growing problem. Every year, more than eight million tons of plastic enter our oceans. The plastic pollution is a threat to human health, wildlife and the planet. Most of the plastic is washed into the ocean by rivers in Asia with a high population living in the surrounding region – and with little or no waste management systems.
TV-aksjonen 2020 will tackle plastic pollution at the source by establishing and improving waste management systems for more than 900 000 people living in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and The Philippines. We will work in collaboration with local communities, authorities and businesses, with the aim of collecting and recycling plastic waste and reducing unnecessary single-use plastics, to prevent it from entering the ocean. The overall goal is to reduce plastic waste emissions and protect our oceans.
Due to COVID19, 2020 donations are handled digitally through Spleis.
Watch video for TV-aksjonen and Spleis