
Ensemble of Smiles


We’ve added a brand-new lineup of characters for Oris Dental, each with their own distinct personality and flair. They’re reflections of everyday people, each with their own quirks and stories that make dental care relatable, engaging, and a little more fun.

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Familiar Faces

The goal was to directly communicate with different target groups. We have added a new bunch of personalities: the comfort-seeker, cautious and craving reassurance; the old and wise dog lover, warm and nurturing; the ambitious young professional, eager to make her mark; the bold extreme sports enthusiast, always chasing his next thrill; and the busy student, juggling life’s demands. Together, they face the everyday dental challenges we all know—missed appointments, discoloration, loose teeth, and the occasional fear of the dentist.


Designed Connections

Creating these characters was all about balancing charm and clarity. From the comfort-seeker’s calm demeanor to the adventurer’s bold confidence, every detail tells a story. Simple, bold traits make each personality relatable and memorable.

Oris Dental is proud to launch this lively new cast, confident their stories will resonate with audiences and make oral health something to smile about. With personalities that connect, designs that captivate, and stories that inspire, this campaign redefines dental care for everyone.


Nordic Semiconductor

